Earlier this month we took a momentous step. We signed on the site in northern Madrid that will become 1,300m2 of Oso brewery, taproom and all-round Os-travaganza.
We now begin the work to turn a shell into a beautiful space in which you’ll be able to enjoy a super-fresh, hyper-local beer brewed on site. Hopefully by the end of the year!
We are beyond excited to be bringing the dream we had when we tentatively brewed the very first Oso beer in 2018 to life. And although we know it’s not going to be easy, we can’t wait to get started.
Our mission remains the same: to brew lovely, fresh, modern beers packed with flavour and to get them into as many hands and mouths as possible. And with our own brewery we’ll be masters of our own destiny - in full control of both our products and our own futures. In our first year we’re planning to more than triple our current production, so hopefully you’ll be seeing Oso beers more and more, and closer and closer to wherever you call home!
Craft beer is just getting going here in Madrid & Spain – barely 1% of beer is craft, and in most bars and sitting rooms, the only choice is the receptacle – una cerveza es una cerveza. We can’t wait to try and change minds – making beers so good, so fresh & so exciting that people can’t help but love them. We believe we have to offer something different to bring change.
We have a hell of a few months (and years) ahead of us, and we’re going to be giving you a ring side seat… for the trials, the tribulations, and the thrills that we go through as we refurbish and fit-out the brewery & taproom – so watch this space for regular updates.
We wouldn’t be anything without your support, so we want to thank you for all you’ve done for us so far and hope you’ll stick with us through the challenges and excitements to come. We can’t wait to take Oso and our beers to the next level!